I've been to a few lighting shops.
Some of the things I've seen makes the current brass look downright homey. There are lights with so many arms on them, they could only be put up in something the size of the main hall at Montsalvat.
and things to hang up when you're finished catching crayfish for the day.
That's way we turned to good old Ebay for shopping.
Here are our buys to date.

Then we come to the second light which is even more beautiful than the photo. That will also go in the hallway.
The third and final light will probably go into the bedroom. Of course we are still a few lights short.
There is no light for the new room, the living room, the study or the little alcove before you get to the new room.
Yes, even on Ebay people seem to be getting rid of things that are absolutely terrible. Ebayers use the word vintage because it sounds better than demented macrame - See fantasy in red below.
They also like to push their chandeliers. I never knew chandies
were so popular. Note the blue plush in background in example above.
Of course there's
also those ebayers who had their first trip to Asia and returned
with local ware. Once back to their non-stoned selves, they realise they've bought things that will never even cast enough light to roll a joint - and of course put them up on ebay.
On Thursday we are heading out to stay at a friend's place while the brick wall between the living room and kitchen is taken out.
So there's a bit of furniture moving required before we leave.
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