Friday 9 December 2011

Talkin' 'bout our renovation

There was a bit of a frenzy putting in the plasterboard and the planky stuff on outside wall, but now things have gone quiet for a while. P  headed off up the coast on Thursday for a surfing trip with his son and sidekick S has taken a few days off. There was no friendly click of the sidegate on Friday morning and nothing new to come home to on Friday night.

As you can see we've taken a bit of time out too, to do some washing.

However, we can't sit on our laurels for too long. P has left us with a list of things to do in his absence - choose colour scheme and lighting, order shower base and bench top; decide on shed roof overhang and where any new internal power points are to go; figure out the configuation of steps from paving to ground. The list is a photocopy so he can check up on us, I guess. Nothing is left to chance.

Of course we are now quite good at all this sort of decision making.  We've worked out the best spots for power points in the new room; bought second hand doors and very expensive door jewellery; and chosen tiles for the shower and timber for the floor. Nearly everything comes from Cochranes Road.

I'd never heard of Cochranes Road Moorabbin six weeks ago. Now I can drive there and back on auto pilot.  It is a street filled with warehouses of tiles, everything door - doors, security screens, knobs, handles and locks, windows, bathroom fittings, flooring, furniture, laminex and granite, and even muscle cars to match your newly renovated house.  If there's still anything you can't find, there's a Bunnings at the very end - big enough to have its own postcode.

Even though things have been going exceptionally well, deep down it must be causing me stress. This week I managed to lose my keys plus the spare car key all in one go. I finally found the spare car key but the main set of keys are still walkabout.

Just as well I found the spare .  It was going to cost $268 to get a locksmith out to cut another one - and that was with the RACV rebate.  Now I can spend the money on a light fitting instead.

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